We are frequently asked why our rates are higher than those shown in phone book ads or searched ads on the Internet. Many of these ads say $19 service charge and 10% off, or something similar. But ads are expensive to run for any company, and they bid for you to see their ad first. Pay-per-click ads usually cost the company anywhere from $3 to $18 per click. So, how can a company pay that much to advertise and still charge less than their competitors? The truth is: they can't!
The prices these companies post are designed to lure you into calling them for services. When they arrive, they often make excuses and then charge higher prices. It's even possible that when you get your bill, it's generic with no specific business information printed on the invoice. So, once you've paid, you have little recourse and no one to hold responsible--you may not even get a properly licensed locksmith.
Take care when you're shopping for locksmith services online. We hear too many stories about unscrupulous subcontractors and Internet locksmiths with unrealistic prices and misleading ETAs. They may call you back repeatedly asking questions about who you hired and promising to beat their price.
When a person is searching for a locksmith on the web, they are usually in a compromised situation. The website may look professional and appear to represent a large, legitimate company, but it may actually be a scam organization. If it turns out the website is a front for an organization based outside of the United States, it's almost impossible to enforce local or federal laws.
When we quote prices, we do our very best to be accurate, and we're honest. Often, if we incorrectly quote a job, we still honor the quoted price. If we see something that changes our original quote, we discuss the details with the customer before doing the work. Confirmation particularly applies to estimates provided over the phone. In many cases, we cannot give you an accurate quote over the phone without knowing or seeing the details. We may ask for pictures via text message, or we may come to your location if necessary. Our estimates are free.
How do you duplicate a "do not duplicate" key? Simply bring it to us with the proper authorization. We require a release of liability letter that we can keep on file in our store before duplicating any key that is stamped "do not duplicate." This letter must be on the letterhead of the party, company, or property manager responsible for issuing the key and it must state the name of the person who is being authorized to make one or more duplicates. The authorized person will need to provide us with state-issued identification.